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The base price is for the consultation of whether it is a parasite or trickster and discussing what exactly we are dealing with. Once we know, the price will be depending on how much energy and time I need to dedicate to removing the negative being. This can be anywhere from $100 to $900 depending on the severity and the being itself, including my safety. The price will be discussed after the initial consultation.

If you are already aware if it is a parasite or trickster, those options are the base consultation fee to discuss and figure out the severity of the issue just as I stated above. Again after the consultation and examination, the price will be discussed for the removal of the negative being.

Parasite or Trickster Removal Consultation

    This is a magickal service I provide.

  • There are no refunds or returns on this as it is a magickal service and consultation that requires a lot of energy and time on my part. Thank you for understanding.

All products and services offered by Nightside Denizens are strictly for entertainment purposes only and should not be used in lieu of medical, financial or legal advice. You must be 18 years old to purchase. Nightside Denizens does not guarantee the outcome of any ritual, spell, etc when using our products.


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