Our Auric Field is made up of twelve layers. These twelve layers each serve a purpose, generally for our highest good. But, if we have implants in our fields we may be blocked, feel clogged, feel somewhat emotionally numb, and maybe even feel cut off from the world. These implants can affect how we see the world and how the world sees us because our auric field reflects who we are in the world.
Symptoms You May Be Experiencing:
Layer 1: The Physical Body and Etheric Bodies
Associated with the root and sacral chakras
This is the most physical layer, so it will react badly to discomfort, such as living or working in an uncomfortable enviroment.
Anxiety, depression, the feeling of opression, the sensation of suffocation, physical pains you can't explain that professional help hasn't helped, chest pains caused by negative emotions, and an inability to ground and center yourself.
Layer 2: The Emotional Body
Associated with the root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras
This is the layer that governs personal feelings, and we all know that people and situations can manage to upset us to the point where we can't think straight.
Lowered awareness, can't think straight, easily distracted, can't focus, easily upset, unable to interact calmly, and emotional effects on the phsyical body (wanting to cry but unable to, feeling emotionally muffled or muted, etc.).
Layer 3: The Mental Body
Associated with the solar plexus, and throat chakras
It is sometimes difficult to concentrate, especially if there is a lot of noise and activity going on around you.
Difficult to concentrate even in silence or with music, easily distracted, lowered mental sharpness, lowered mental capacity, lowered social capability, isolation, people avoidance, and lowered desire to converse.
Layer 4: The Astral Body
Associated with the heart chakra
This is the bridge between the day-to-day world and the metaphysical one, and anyone who is into mind, body, and spirit activities will be familiar with the effects of this layer, because it opens the doors to the subtle realms of imagination and spirituality. If you feel that your creativity has switched itself off or if you are struggling to reach the spiritual world.
Unable to astral project or travel, lack of creativity, lack of ability to be inspired, creativity feels switched off, mental fogginess, unable to access spirit world, inability to connect with higher self, inability to access the akashic records, and sudden loss of clairsenses.
Layer 5: The Spiritual Body
Associated with the sacral, throat, and third eye chakras
Now we have daily life behind and start to look into matters of belief. If you feel that you have a particular path that you should follow but you feel blocked, either by shortage of confidence or by people or circumstances.
Lost in life, feeling you're missing your purpose, wanting to follow your path but unable to, feeling blocked, feeling muffled, feeling emotional numb, clairaudience no longer open, clairvoyance is fuzzy or dull, and decrease in libido.
Layer 6: The Celestial Body
Associated with the third eye, and crown chakras
Longing for something better can make you desperate to link with your spiritual guides, angels, demons, or ancient deities. Whatever you believe, you need to feel better in yourself.
No longer able to speak with companions, no longer able to speak with spirits or deities or guides, clairvoyance no longer open, crown feels suffocated, third eye glitches or makes things blurry, and an imbalance of self-expectations.
Layer 7: The Casual Body
Associated with the root, and crown chakras
This layer can link you to the realms, to angels, spiritual guides, your higher self, deities, and daemons. It can also help you to understand the journey your soul is taking, perhaps by getting a glimpse of your past lives and even of your future path.
No longer able to link with angles or guides or higher self or deities or daemons, premonitions no longer occuring, visions suddenly cut off, dream work difficulties, inability to access akashic records, and difficulty meditating.
This psychic surgery, that I created, will be about 30-60 minutes long and can be done during sleep if that is easier for you to stay relatively still and undisturbed. You may notice that auric fields are infected with implants by viewing it and seeing black spots dotted along your aura. Or you may be experiencing some of the symptoms above. It is important to get this taken care of so your auric fields can function normally and help you in your highest good.
*This is NOT a permanent attunement, surgery, or empowerment. New implants can infest your auric fields again if you are not careful and do not keep up with spiritual hygiene.*
Legally I must state that this is not a medical treatment and is not intended to treat any physical conditions or ailments. Energy work is not a replacement for medical care or a substitution for the care of a doctor. Results will vary based on the work you put into your development!
Nightside Denizens & Indi Sorenger accept no responsibility for any loss/damage that occurs as a direct result of using/misusing any of the information contained in this manual.
The 12 Auric Implant Removal is an original psychic surgery and is not affiliated with any other systems or attunements that may exist now or in the future.
Copyright 2022 and beyond.
Please respect the author's right to this manual, no text or part may be copied, removed, or quoted without written permission from the founder.
Founded by Indi Sorenger
Copyright 2022 & Beyond
12 Auric Field Implant Removal
This is not a physical item. This is a psychic surgery and you will recieve a PDF prior to your implant removal.
Energy Work
There are no returns or exchanges on energy work once it’s been completed as you are paying for my time and energy. Please make sure you are open to receiving this energy before we begin.
Physical Items
Returns or exchanges for physical items are accepted if the item arrives damaged during shipping.
Custom Items
There are no returns on custom items as you are paying for my time, energy, and materials.
There are no refunds or exchanges for divination services. If you are not happy with your reading, we can discuss it, but please understand that I am a human and I am putting in the work for each and every reading.